Monday, November 3, 2008

I wonder...

I wonder if Exall Park is our place of worship for the near future? At least for the next couple of months. We have enjoyed meeting out there the last couple of months. Today, I met with Parks and Rec services. He was open to the idea of using their facilities. We can use the park for worship, and facilities for childcare for the short term (he explained that "public worship" would become awkward once we got too big, which is fair).


The idea is exciting, to say the least. Worship outdoors. Place for childcare. Place to hang out afterward. And, its in the community. I love that part. We are not squirreled away, hidden. (not that we are to ride on the back of a truck with a big megaphone either. Rather, we are simply with our broader community). Challenges to say the least. Is the challenge for us to face? Where is the Spirit leading?




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