Matthew Bridgman rockin @ Crooked Tree in his own stoic romantic sort of way.
You can't tell, but Crooked Tree was packed.
A blog about a Church's vision to raise up spiritual communities in downtown Dallas to come together in common to celebrate and live the way of Jesus. Koine: Coin-aye.
Matthew Bridgman rockin @ Crooked Tree in his own stoic romantic sort of way.
You can't tell, but Crooked Tree was packed.
It was fun to see who God continues to bring to our community. Last night, we had several visitors from the area. One woman has lived in the downtown area for years, believes it is her calling to financially support those who are spreading the gospel. Another couple wants to join a group that is missional, and passionate about advancing the kingdom.
PJ, a great friend and faithful follower of Jesus, shared a powerful story of reconciliation. He had been estranged from his father for 14 years. And because his father had played such a negative role, PJ also distanced himself from his whole family. In the meantime, his family had prayed for PJ's salvation. God not only reconciled PJ to the cross 7 years ago, He reconciled PJ to his father and family last Wednesday in a beautiful way.Over and over again, God reminds us that he uses small things to transform in mighty ways. I am fully convinced that God has the power to raise up 32 people on Swiss Ave, and turn them into radiant lights of Christ to a people lost in the darkness. What great things will God do through Koine Church in the next 12 months?
Tomorrow night, we will talk about the gifts of the Spirit, and how he wants us to use it for the common good of all. But even now, I see God's gifts emerge from our little spiritual community. First, several have been added over the summer, and now we are scratching our head and wondering where we can get more chairs. But for every person that comes, another gift is added to the body of Christ.
One of our members has a passion for men's ministry.
Three other members are very philosophical and good at asking the tough theological questions.
one takes the temperature of the "visitors" and has a good feel for what is hospitable and inhospitable (for example: it is bad to ask a visitor to tell their life story in front of all 25 of us).
We have people who just like to help. They can adapt to several different things, but they love to fill the gap when there is a need in the community.
Another guy is a get-er-done kind of guy. He organizes, plans, and executes (projects, not people).
Two ladies in our group are concerned about children across the world, and are putting on a fundraiser to reach them.
And the list goes on. But it is an incredible list, a list latent with great kingdom potential. I can't wait to see what incredible things God will do.
September 1st was our birth-day! We met on Wednesday of that week to launch our study series: Ekklesia: The Church, and to celebrate in our own small way, the birth of this new spiritual community.
Father, we pray and hope that we are salt and light to Lakewood, Lower Greenville, Uptown, and beyond.