A blog about a Church's vision to raise up spiritual communities in downtown Dallas to come together in common to celebrate and live the way of Jesus. Koine: Coin-aye.
There is something great about worshiping God out in the open. This is our second worship in the park, and I wonder how we can worship anywhere else (as long as it stays a nice 67). Nothing like singing "Mighty to Save", under the whispering breeze. Here is a little window into our worship.
A little Ultimate Frisbee before worship...
...Must eat before worship
...Macon gears up for worship.
I wonder if Exall Park is our place of worship for the near future? At least for the next couple of months. We have enjoyed meeting out there the last couple of months. Today, I met with Parks and Rec services. He was open to the idea of using their facilities. We can use the park for worship, and facilities for childcare for the short term (he explained that "public worship" would become awkward once we got too big, which is fair).
The idea is exciting, to say the least. Worship outdoors. Place for childcare. Place to hang out afterward. And, its in the community. I love that part. We are not squirreled away, hidden. (not that we are to ride on the back of a truck with a big megaphone either. Rather, we are simply with our broader community). Challenges to say the least. Is the challenge for us to face? Where is the Spirit leading?
Steve and Mike Wade
Of course, Emma takes center stage.
Kevin enjoying a personal ballad Macon wrote just for him: "Poision Honey" (not really for me, but I still enjoyed it).
Last night was our monthly dinner. Melody cooked a great curry chicken dish! The best part about these dinners are all the new friends I get to meet. As seems to be the case, we like to invite our friends to our monthly dinner.
Then, we played the mind-boggling game, "Psychology". And when I say mind boggling, what I mean is that I was confused and it took at least two rounds to even understand the rules. (Sorry it was a little blurry. Even my camera was confused)
Of course, we ended the night with a fashion show. Having slipped on her mom's shoes, Emma decided that she is a runway model, and our dilapidated, stained rug, the catwalk.
Thanks for hanging with us everyone! Great to meet new friends and see some old ones.
Matthew Bridgman rockin @ Crooked Tree in his own stoic romantic sort of way.
You can't tell, but Crooked Tree was packed.
It was fun to see who God continues to bring to our community. Last night, we had several visitors from the area. One woman has lived in the downtown area for years, believes it is her calling to financially support those who are spreading the gospel. Another couple wants to join a group that is missional, and passionate about advancing the kingdom.
PJ, a great friend and faithful follower of Jesus, shared a powerful story of reconciliation. He had been estranged from his father for 14 years. And because his father had played such a negative role, PJ also distanced himself from his whole family. In the meantime, his family had prayed for PJ's salvation. God not only reconciled PJ to the cross 7 years ago, He reconciled PJ to his father and family last Wednesday in a beautiful way.Over and over again, God reminds us that he uses small things to transform in mighty ways. I am fully convinced that God has the power to raise up 32 people on Swiss Ave, and turn them into radiant lights of Christ to a people lost in the darkness. What great things will God do through Koine Church in the next 12 months?